Thursday, June 24, 2010

How writing short stories can help promote your fiction

There are a few reasons I've been writing short stories. My first ebook, Ignite Me, was a great learning curve. It helped to polish my skills as a writer, it's helped me with the experience of working with an editor, and it helped get my name out there as a published author. It's not usually for the fame and fortune, but there are benefits!
I asked Seattle author, Gina Robinson,
What do you think some of the pros are for writing a short story?
"Last fall the editor of a popular series of romance short story anthologies approached me about contributing a story to an upcoming anthology. The offer came out of the blue. I write in the subgenre that she was going to feature in this particular anthology. The deadline was short—just three weeks. Was writing a story for it worth my while or not? Can a short story be an effective way to promote a novel or a novelist’s career?
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